Eating at Domino’s When Bulking (6 Bodybuilding Meals)

As a nutrition coach, I often get asked by bodybuilders whether Domino’s has high-protein options for bulking. While there are some higher protein options at Dominos, it’s not as high as what I would consider optimal.

Key Takeaways

  • For most bodybuilders, I recommend meals that are 25 – 30% protein. Domino’s highest protein options are between 18 – 22% protein, with the remaining calories coming from carbs and fat.
  • Given that the protein is only slightly below recommended, Dominos is still a great option to have on occasion. If you do eat Dominos, I would recommend focusing on getting a little more protein at your other meals throughout the day.
  • I wouldn’t recommend eating at Domino’s pre or post-workout as the fat in the pizzas is more than what is optimal. As long as your meal is on a rest day or not around a workout, there are many great bulking meals to enjoy at dominos.

What To Eat at Domino’s If You’re A Bodybuilder: 6 Meal Options

Six meal options to order at Domino’s when bodybuilding or bulking are:

1. 500 Calorie Domino’s Bulking Meal Plan

500 calorie bodybuilding domino's meal plan
  • Order a small (10-inch) thin crust pizza with light cheese 
  • Add chicken as a topping 
  • Add any combination of peppers, mushrooms, onion and tomatoes as additional toppings
  • Eat 4 of the 6 slices as your meal

This meal has 517 calories, 24g protein (19%), 45g carbohydrates (35%) and 27g fat (46%).

Ordering a thin crust cheese pizza helps to reduce the carbs in your meal. A thin crust still has enough carbs to keep you energized but leaves more calories that can now be filled with protein and fat, creating a more macronutrient balanced meal.

Adding chicken to your pizza increases the protein, creating a higher protein meal option. When bulking, it’s important to get enough protein throughout your day so that your body can recover and repair muscles after your workout.

This process results in improved strength and muscle mass which is a key goal when bulking.

Opting for light cheese on the pizza provides fat to the meal, increasing the calories without adding too much physical volume. When bulking, this is a helpful trick to use so you aren’t feeling as physically full while consuming a high-calorie diet.

Think of a high-fat food like peanut butter where a spoonful can be hundreds of calories.

Customizations for Increased Calories

  • Adding a dipping sauce for your pizza adds up to 250 additional calories. The dipping sauces that have the most calories per serving are garlic (250 calories), blue cheese (200 calories) and ranch (160 calories).

Options For Pre & Post Workout

This meal is not the best choice for pre or post-workout as it’s quite high in fat. This will leave you with less energy during your workout and provide less recovery post-workout.

If you are in a pinch and have to eat this meal around a workout, make sure to skip any dipping sauce.

2. 650 Calorie Domino’s Bulking Meal Plan

650 calorie bodybuilding domino's meal plan
  • Order a small (10-inch) thin crust pizza 
  • Add bbq chicken and ham as a topping 
  • Add any combination of peppers, mushrooms, onion and tomatoes as additional toppings
  • Eat 5 of the 6 slices as your meal

This meal has 660 calories, 30g protein (18%), 60g carbohydrates (36%) and 33g fat (45%).

The bbq chicken and ham on the pizza create a higher protein and high-fat pizza option.

Protein is important to eat at all meals when bulking so that your body has what it needs to repair and grow your muscles pre-workout. Including fat increases calories that are lower in volume than other macronutrients, keeping you from becoming too physically full.

The pizza crust creates a higher carb meal which will provide you with plenty of energy throughout your day. Carbs are higher in volume when compared to fat or protein, which may be challenging when bulking and eating a high-calorie diet.

Given the meal is a moderate 650 calories, this is not as likely to be an issue, however, if you are finding it is for you, simply save the remainder of the pizza for when you are hungry again. Carbs are quick to digest so are likely to be hungry in 2 – 3 hours.

Customizations for increased calories

  • Ordering a dipping sauce for your pizza can add up to 250 calories to your meal, primarily from fat. I suggest opting for the sauces with the most calories which are garlic at 250 calories per serving, blue cheese at 200 calories per serving or ranch at 160 calories.

Options For Pre & Post Workout

This meal is higher in fat than what is recommended pre or post-workout. However, if you are planning to eat it for one of those two meals, it is a better option after a workout.

If you are eating this pre or post-workout, I recommend ordering it with light cheese and not opting for any extra dipping sauces. This will reduce the fat in your meal, allowing you to feel the most energized for your workout.

3. 800 Calorie Domino’s Bulking Meal Plan

800 calorie bodybuilding domino's meal plan
  • Order an Italian sandwich

This meal has 808 calories, 42g protein (21%), 70g carbohydrates (35%) and 40g fat (45%).

The pepperoni, salami and cheese on the sandwich make this a high-fat meal option. Adding fat to your meals can be helpful when bulking as fat is much lower in volume compared to other macronutrients.

This can be beneficial when you are eating a high-calorie diet, as it prevents you from feeling too physically full after you eat.

The higher fat combined with the lower carbs from the sandwich bread (compared to traditional pizza crust) makes this meal a lower volume choice.

I would recommend this to anyone that struggles with feeling full when bulking. If instead, you tend to always feel hungry, another meal option may be a better fit for you.

Customizations for Increased Calories

  • Getting a dipping sauce with your pizza can add up to 250 calories. The dipping sauce with the most calories is garlic (250 calories), blue cheese (200 calories) and ranch (160 calories). Add multiple servings of the dip to further increase the meal’s calories.

Options For Pre & Post Workout

This meal is too high in fat to be optimal for consuming before or after a workout. I recommend choosing one of the lower-calorie meal plans. 

It’s still a great option for a bodybuilding meal if it’s not around your workout or on a rest day.

4. 900 Calorie Domino’s Bulking Meal Plan

900 calorie bodybuilding domino's meal plan
  • Order a small (10-inch) bbq chicken pizza
  • Eat 5 of the 6 slices as your meal 

This meal has 917 calories, 40g protein (17%), 77g carbohydrates (33%) and 50g fat (49%).

Choosing a pizza with chicken as the protein will provide a high protein meal without adding a significant amount of additional fat. When increasing calories, it’s important to make sure you are also increasing protein.

This will help you to get sufficient protein for your body to recover and grow your muscle mass and strength.

Fat is great to include in meals as a low volume calorie booster, however, beware of adding too much as it’s likely to cause digestive discomfort.

Since the cheese provides plenty of fat, adding a lower fat meat option such as chicken is the recommended option.

The traditional pizza dough provides a high carb meal. Carbs have more physical volume compared to fat which may cause an increased full feeling.

If you are experiencing this, save the remainder of the pizza for when you are hungry again. Carbs are fast-digesting so you are likely to find you are hungry again within 2 – 3 hours.

Customizations for Increased Calories

  • Opting for a dipping sauce with your pizza will boost your meal’s calories. I recommend adding garlic, blue cheese or ranch as these will add 250, 200 or 160 calories respectively. 

Options For Pre & Post Workout

This meal is too high in calories and fat to make what I would recommend with pre or post-workout. I recommend choosing one of the lower-calorie meals instead. 

A meal this high in calories will result in a lethargic feeling and may cause digestive discomfort, neither of which is likely to lead to a strong workout.

5. 1,100 Calorie Domino’s Bulking Meal Plan

1100 calorie bodybuilding domino's meal plan
  • Order a small (10-inch) chicken taco pizza
  • Eat all 6 slices as your meal

This meal has 1,124 calories, 52g protein (19%), 76g carbohydrates (27%) and 68g fat (54%).

The chicken taco pizza has multiple types of cheese, making it a high-fat meal option. Fat is much lower in physical volume compared to carbs and protein. This can be beneficial to keep you from feeling less physically full when eating a high-calorie meal.

Due to the fat from the cheese, opting for a lean protein source like chicken is best. This will ensure the meal has plenty of protein without adding too much additional fat.

When a meal gets too high in fat, digestive discomfort is often experienced which we want to avoid.

Protein is important to keep high, in particular when a meal’s calories are increasing, so your body has the tools it needs for muscle repair and growth to occur.

Customizations for Increased Calories

  • Adding a dipping sauce to your meal can also help to boost the calories, also primarily from fat. The three highest calorie dipping sauces are garlic (250 calories), blue cheese (200 calories) and ranch (160 calories).

Options For Pre & Post Workout

I do not recommend eating this meal before or after a workout as it is too high in both fat and calories. By eating a meal this high in calories you are likely to feel the sleepy ‘food coma’ many experiences after large Thanksgiving dinner. A lower calories meal plan would make for a better option.

6. 1,400 Calorie Domino’s Bulking Meal Plan

1400 calorie bodybuilding domino's meal plan
  • Order a medium (12-inch) thin crust buffalo chicken pizza
  • Eat 7 of the 8 slices as your meal

This meal has 1,418 calories, 67g protein (19%), 91g carbohydrates (26%) and 88g fat (56%).

The chicken on the pizza creates a higher protein pizza option. A key tip to achieve your bulking goals is to always ensure your meals have sufficient protein, Protein provides your body with the tools it needs to build muscle and increase strength.

The pizza also provides plenty of fat from the buffalo sauce and the cheese. When eating a meal this high in calories, getting a larger portion of the calories from fat will decrease the physical volume of the meal.

The fat is in a good ratio with the other macronutrients so you are not likely to feel any digestive discomfort either.

Customizations for Increased Calories

  • Adding a dipping sauce with your pizza is an easy, low volume way to add more calories to your meal. Garlic, blue cheese and ranch are the highest calorie options at 250, 200 and 160 calories per serving respectively.

Options For Pre & Post Workout

If you are eating this meal before or after a workout, I recommend choosing a lower-calorie meal plan instead. 

Eating a meal this high in calories will leave you feeling lethargic and is likely to cause digestive discomfort. Neither of these will leave you ready to perform well during a workout or recover post-workout.

Related Article: 13 Best Low Sodium Store-Bought Pizza & Pizza Crusts

Tips for Eating at Domino’s Before a Workout

What you eat pre-workout is a key factor in how well you will be able to perform during your workout.

This meal is responsible for providing the energy you need for your workout so it should be a critical focus for anyone looking to maximize their performance in the gym.

Should you eat at Domino’s before a workout? If you are looking for an optimal pre-workout meal, you shouldn’t eat at Domino’s before a workout as the fat is too high. If you are in a pinch, a chicken parmesan sandwich with no cheese is the best option. 

Read more in my article Can You Eat Fried Food Before And After Workouts?

3 Tips for How to Eat at Domino’s Before a Workout

My top 3 tips for how to eat at Domino’s before a workout are:

1. Order a Sandwich

Before a workout, the focus should be on consuming a meal high in carbs as this will provide you with a quick source of energy to fuel your workout. This will help you perform and do your best through your entire workout, even during an intense session.

I recommend including a minimum of two servings of carbs at this meal, with a serving size being about the size of a closed fist. At Domino’s, the sandwich bun provides a great high carb option.

I recommend ensuring that you are eating this meal within 1 – 2 hours of your workout.

2. Choose Chicken As Your Protein

In addition to carbs, the other important consideration is to limit the fat in your pre-workout meal. Fat makes it a more difficult and time-consuming process for your body to break down and use the carbs we just ate for energy. 

You are likely to notice you have less energy throughout your workout and you aren’t able to push as hard during a heavy session.

At Domino’s, chicken is the leanest protein option for your sandwich and therefore my recommendation to consume pre-workout.

3. Order With No Cheese or Dipping Sauces

At Domino’s, most fat within a meal is from cheese or dipping sauces. Around our workout, limiting the fat is important so skipping the cheese and high-fat dipping sauces is recommended. 

Fat will reduce the energy your body has immediately available for your workout leaving you less energized.

The highest fat dipping sauces that you should avoid include garlic, blue cheese and ranch. The best low-fat alternative is marinara sauce.

Tips for Eating at Domino’s After a Workout

Your post-workout meal is responsible for the recovery and repair process, making it an important consideration to maximize muscle growth.

Adequate recovery after your workout is what will lead to increased strength and muscular growth helping you to reach your goals when bulking.

Should you eat at Domino’s before a workout? If you are looking for an optimal post-workout meal, you shouldn’t eat at Domino’s as the fat is too high compared to the carbs and protein for recovery.

If you are in a pinch, a chicken parmesan sandwich is the best option. 

3 Tips for How to Eat at Domino’s After a Workout

My top 3 tips for how to eat at Domino’s after a workout are:

1. Order a Sandwich

Throughout your workout, your body will turn to the fuel it has stored to provide you with energy. 

By the end of your workout, these stores are likely to be depleted, it’s important to replenish them to kick off the process of repairing and growing your muscles.

The most efficient way to do this is by eating a high carb meal, this is generally 2 or more servings of carbs. The best way to approximate a serving is to use a closed fist as about one serving. At Domino’s, the sandwich bread is the best high carb option.

I recommend eating this meal within 1 – 1.5 hours after finishing your workout.

2. Opt for Chicken As Your Protein

Your body uses protein to repair your muscles making it important to also include it in your post-workout meal. 

The process of damaging muscles during a workout and repairing them post-workout is what will ultimately lead to increased strength and muscle growth that is desired when bulking.

To maximize our body’s ability to quickly digest and absorb carbs and protein, it’s also important to limit the fat post-workout. When we eat fat with a meal, we will slow down the digestion process, also, in turn, delaying the muscle repair process.

At Domino’s, the leanest meat option that provides sufficient protein is chicken.

3. Choose Low Fat Sauces

Post-workout, limiting the fat consumed is important so digestion can continue to quickly break down and absorb the carbs and protein it needs to repair and grow our muscles. 

I like to think of it like carbs and protein are cars on a highway, heading towards their end destination of our muscles. Fat is the drivers on the road that are travelling below the speed limit, slowing down how quickly they can get to their destination.

At Domino’s, skipping sauces that are high in fat, including garlic, blue cheese and ranch, is important to reduce the fat in your meal. Marinara is a low-fat option I recommend opting for instead.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions for eating at Domino’s if you workout.

Will Eating at Domino’s Ruin My Gains?

No, eating at Domino’s will not ruin your gains. To maintain muscle mass, the most important factor is eating sufficient protein during the day.

At Domino’s, either a pizza with chicken as a topping or a chicken sandwich create a high protein meal that makes it possible to maintain your gains.

Can I Eat at Domino’s and Still Gain Muscle?

Yes, you can eat at Domino’s and still gain muscle. To gain muscle, you need to be eating enough protein so your muscles have what they need to repair and grow.

Adding chicken as a topping to a pizza or a chicken sandwich creates a meal high in protein ensuring you have enough protein to make it possible to gain muscle.

What Meal at Domino’s has the Most Protein?

The meal at Domino’s with the most protein is the wing. An order of 14 wings have 860 calories, 61g of protein, 54g of carbohydrates and 45g of fat.

What Meal at Domino’s has the Most Calories?

The meal at Domino’s with the most calories is the handmade pan ExtravaganZZa pizza. A medium pizza has 2,920 calories, 112g of protein, 240g of carbohydrates and 168g of fat.

Which Meal at Domino’s has the Least Calories?

The meal at Domino’s that has the least calories is the 8 piece boneless wings. This meal has 400 calories, 33g of protein, 28g of carbohydrates and 17g of fat. [Check out my other article where I talk about whether 400 calories is a lot or not.

More Fast Food Meal Plans

Check out our other bulking and cutting meal plans from popular fast-food restaurants:

About The Author

Laura Semotiuk

Laura Semotiuk is a Precision Nutrition Level 1 certified nutrition coach. She works with athletes and active individuals looking to improve performance and develop healthy nutritional habits and behaviors. She has a passion for cooking, meal prepping, and creating simple and healthy recipes.

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